Vegan Style at World Vegan Day Melbourne 2015
Vegan Style at World Vegan Day
Sarah's recounts her first day with Vegan Style AND her first experience of World Vegan Day Melbourne
What better way to celebrate World Vegan Day than from somewhere halfway around the world? I’ve attended and even worked at several vegan festivals in North America, including Vancouver, Seattle, and Chicago, but Melbourne was going to be furthest one I had been to thus far. I had only been in Melbourne for a week on the day of the event, so I was still getting used to the city – in fact, the first tram I took here was to World Vegan Day!
The festival was held in a few buildings at the showgrounds, and the Vegan Style stand was in the largest and most popular building, meaning there was a lot going on. This was the first time I had met all the staff, and my first official day working, so I was feeling a mix of excitement, nervousness, and curiosity about how the day would play out. As the event picked up speed, it felt natural to interact with customers, and I ended up having a blast!
The team at Vegan Style is professional, friendly, and welcoming, and helped me feel so much more at ease with the events of the day. I was also able to check out other stands at World Vegan Day – from food to accessories to activist organizations, there were so many amazing and passionate groups of people who help to make being vegan in Melbourne a piece of (vegan) cake. Whether you want to find out new ways to get involved in the vegan community and to support local vegan businesses, or simply want to learn more about veganism and see the products that are available, World Vegan Day is a great event for anyone to attend. Now having been in Melbourne for a month, it’s become even more apparent that this city is a great place to live, and a great place to be vegan.
by Sarah, Vegan Style's newest staff member